
Is it just me?

Can we have an honest discussion about Marie Sharp's? I was really excited when I picked this up today. I've seen so many posts about it, I really expected it to knock my socks off. Don't get me wrong, the flavor is great. But in my opinion all of the MS sauces are pretty much equally hot. Is it just me? To be clear, I like things that are stupid hot. I didn't think this one was much (if any) different from the others.

by Thai_Chili_Bukkake


  1. SunBelly

    I find it quite a bit hotter than the hot or fiery hot, but don’t find it much hotter than Belizean Heat, which I slightly prefer the flavor of.

  2. MagnusAlbusPater

    I didn’t think it was super hot. Red Hornet is hotter, but Beware and Belizean Heat have better flavor.

    Not ever sauce has to be super hot, and mass market brands aren’t typically going to release sauces that rival the hottest from the likes of Torchbearer, Karma, Bravado, or Hellfire.

  3. PandaRiot_90

    I agree, most of them are about the same heat. I started mixing sauces. A couple drops of Dave’s insanity with Tabasco Scorpion sauce is one hell of a kick in the mouth and the flavor is a nice combo as well. Or I add Dave’s to some mayo to tame the taste a bit for a sandwich and add in some Yellow bird Habenro to get a good flavor.

  4. archemil

    No. But find scalding hot and good taste and tell me which one it is and I’ll try it. You either get taste with food heat or scalding hot and not so good taste.

  5. Ok_Researcher_9796

    It probably is super hot to a lot of people. I always find it hilarious when people say they think Jalapeños are hot.

  6. ColdNebulous

    Have you tried Marie Sharp’s Scorpion? It’s quite a bit hotter than Beware so it might be more what you are looking for.

  7. P3DRO92

    Delicious stuff , i like Belizean heat better flavor wise , im yet to try red hornet though

  8. It’s not hot at all. Perfect everyday sauce that I can put on any dish though. If you’re already exposed to superhot sauces then this is nothing more than a mild tingle on the lips

  9. sizziano

    People don’t really love Marie Sharp’s because of how insanely hot it is. They just make delicious sauces.

  10. sulwen314

    I really like this sauce! I do agree that the branding is over the top. It has good flavor and a pleasant heat.

  11. TittysForever

    I recently got 2 10oz bottles of MS hot habanero from all the hype on here. I *kinda* like it. The onion vinegar combo smells a bit like sweaty armpit, but it grows on you like a good fish sauce yeast infection or Limburger cheese soiled diaper.

  12. TheDoobieWizard

    I dont eat Beware because it’s hot. I eat Beware because it’s fucking delicious on everything.

  13. Pootpot

    Yes an amazing sauce one of my favs. Incredible flavor and good heat.

  14. hagalaz_drums

    They’ve been making this for like 25 years, long before most super hot peppers existed.. It was hot when they first started selling it. we’re all used to much hotter stuff now

  15. metaBrent

    its Habanero, what do you expect?
    superhot peppers really didn’t exist 10 years ago in the market like we have them now, it was either tabasco, or fuckin super bitter chemically capsasian concentrate sauces.

    I get you were disappointment in the heat due to the marketing of the bottle, but its not like they didn’t tell you what was in it lol.

  16. EyeSimp4Asuka

    yeah…more Marie Sharps shilling..Yawwwwwn*

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