Taco Bell

This is why we eat Taco Bell

We know TB isn’t the best food, but we eat for the (mostly) low prices. If you’re not using the app, you definitely should be.
Cheesy Gordita Crunch (reward), Enchilada burrito and a medium happy hour Baja Blast.

by devynbf


  1. Common_Try_4640

    I use the app and it’s glorious how they allow me to set my first name as “Big Poop.” Makes for a fun pickup experience.

  2. I benefit from low priced items, but I eat Taco Bell because I genuinely like it. There are a lot of places that are as cheap or cheaper and I like to cook, too, so just buying my own groceries is obviously way cheaper. But I enjoy the occasional visit to the Bell. There’s a price point I eventually couldn’t justify, but I don’t just go there because it’s affordable.

  3. [deleted]

    Speaking the truth my friend. Is TB the most awesome tacos/tex mex/whatever you’re calling it? No. But it’s everywhere and on the affordable side. Quantity over quality!

  4. AbstractThoughtz

    Nope. Multibillion dollar companies asking for donations is pathetic.

  5. FromBrainMatter

    I can’t order through the app. I get a server error every single time I try to checkout. Every other food app works fine. Sucks because it makes the reward points and drops useless to me.

  6. Their prices are definitely still creeping though. I miss the days when you could just order individual items and not spend more than $5. Now you pretty much are forced to use combo deals and rewards every time or else you end up spending $10+

  7. VanillaBear321

    No way to order the happy hour drinks in the app here. It sucks. I’d definitely be more tempted to go there if I could order in app like everything else.

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