
Is this mold or something else ?

My hot sauce has been fermenting for two weeks. Is this mold on top or something else?

by XXXCactus


  1. ArtisanCornDog

    Looks like a pellicle. If the bacteria fermenting your peppers gets access to enough oxygen these can form. It happens to homebrewers when they don’t keep their equipment sterile and some of these bacteria sneak in.

    I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing. These form during fermentation of drinks like kombucha or soured beers. I would research it more (or maybe someone else here can offer some advice), but I think you can just skim it off and proceed as planned.

  2. Dokurobatto

    This looks more like kahm yeast. It happens with simple ferments like this. It shouldn’t be an issue. Once it comes time to further processing your batch, just skim it off the top and toss.

  3. That’s a dead batch. I know a couple people here are suggesting otherwise, but that’s definitely unsafe to consume. Sorry, bro. Gotta sterilize better and make damn sure your seal is good.

  4. ArlendmcFarland

    I’d skim it off and smell/taste what’s underneath.

    If it tastes good, I’d eat it. Most likely some benign bacteria imo

    But I’m no expert

  5. XXXCactus

    I ended up tossing it just to be safe. I have plenty of other peppers almost ready to use in the garden so I’d rather be safe than sorry.

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