Taco Bell

Who remembers the cheesy potato burrito? Haven’t seen that in years.

Who remembers the cheesy potato burrito? Haven’t seen that in years.

by Robinhoodie5


  1. Throwaway-account-23

    I want to say this was a dollar or two when it was available around me. What a cheap and tasty way to fill your belly. I definitely miss those things.

  2. NotANewIP

    These were so good. Thankfully they’re super easy to recreate, but you won’t be paying that $2.79 price tag.

  3. aStankChitlin

    I do and I miss em. Fck nacho fries, bring back what people really want.

  4. youngfan1

    These were my favorite for years, really miss these

  5. herseyhawkins33

    Was always such great value! Taco bell potatoes are the best

  6. TheOneAndOnlyBruce

    Idk how or if it’s different than the beefy potato burrito but I used to get those religiously. Was just a beefy 5 layer with added potatoes but they were more expensive I think

  7. The_Higgs_Bacon

    5 layer burrito no beans add potato gets you pretty much the same thing. Add extra beef if you want it to be even closer to the original

  8. Appropriate-Tip3060

    Impatiently awaiting its return.

  9. Doom_Balloon170

    Do you remember the Cheesy potato loaded griller? Man I miss it.

  10. boogerfossil

    Reduced fat sour cream

    It’s smothered in nacho cheese

  11. rdizzy1223

    Yep, this is all I used to order, 4 of them, 2 for now, 2 for tomorrow. I now order the Beefy melt burritos with added potatoes.

  12. Was formerly called the beef and potato burrito or something. Loved these. Very sad they’re gone.

  13. TacosMountainsMetal

    I didn’t see anyone else mention it but does anyone remember the 1/2 pound cheesy potato burrito? Thing was awesome

  14. UndeadBuggalo

    My lost Taco Bell love is the chili cheese burrito

  15. MoneyBags5200

    I just want a loaded griller back, such a good deal for the price

  16. Clear_Addendum1245

    i would n*t if they brought it back

  17. DudeIjustdid

    Potato soft shell sub beef no lettuce. It’s the same thing.

  18. SicarioBadger

    is there even anything good left on the taco bell menu?

  19. multiverse-wanderer

    The closest to recreation you can get is the beefy 5 layer burrito, swap out beans for potatoes!!! I’ve actually done this before and it slaps

  20. Needcollegehelp5

    I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t like the meat + potato combo. Something about the texture throws me off lol.

  21. Paigemaster28

    Used to be $2.16 then it went up to over $3, then just disappeared. Next time I saw it was as a cheesy potato griller which I just added stuff to make a potato burrito. Was not the same. It is just a burrito of immense sadness. ☹️

  22. bipolarbean28

    i miss the shredded chicken burrito ),:

  23. SadLaser

    Get a Beefy Melt, add potatoes and remove the rice and Fiesta Strips and you have it. Tasty.

  24. themorelovingone0

    This sounds so good I wish they still had these

  25. giggle_sticks03

    That was my absolute favorite. I went on a deployment in 2011, and when i got back, they were gone.

    What the hell was I even fighting for?!

  26. abkostura

    Why do they take away everything I love?

  27. AngryBird-svar

    Damn I’m outside the US and most of the items y’all miss are pretty much very alive where I’m from.

    Cheesy Potato and the 5 Layer Burritoes are f’in Goat’d

  28. Chevy21123

    I miss it sm. It was my absolute favorite thing on TB’s menu and I’ve tried to make it with the beefy crunch but it’s not the same 😩

  29. Yerboogieman

    Cheesy potato and 1/2lb Beef and Potato were my go-to burritos. Until they took them away. Everyone rants and raves about their meh options but never bring this one up.

  30. Aka fiesta potato burrito, aka loaded potato griller. Literally makes zero sense why they can’t make these, it’s fucking stupid.

    Edit: more specifically I meant the one without meat and just with the fiesta potato bowl on a tortilla

  31. mysticcgoddess

    I miss these so much, they were my go to snack back in high school😪

  32. Decent_Persimmon2318

    I think about this burrito all the time. Was so goated

  33. cum-pizza

    Used to get 2 beefy crunch burritos and 1 of these. Damn those were the days. No wonder I was fat.

  34. hestrash1994

    Lmao i was literally driving down the highway the other day and randomly thought of this burrito

  35. Carl_Winsloww

    College. It was like $1.15. Heavenly.

  36. Frequent_Question510

    These were hella good wish they bring it back again

  37. WestsideWizzop

    I asked for it the other day! Taco Bell employees act like they don’t remember this

  38. I get a cheesy bean and rice burrito and add potato to pretend it’s this. The beefy crunch burrito with potato is also good but a little more expensive

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