
The Best Trinidad Scorpion Pepper Sauce RECIPE

You’ll need:
40-50 Trinidad Scorpion peppers- or mix them with some other types of peppers (I used a few varieties of scorpion and some 7-pot pepper)
One head of peeled garlic
8-10 Bandhania/chadon beni/ culantro leaves
The juice of 2 limes
1 cup of White Vinegar

CAUTION: This can be VERY hot. Although some are accustomed to eating extremely peppery foods, pepper can still damage your digestive system in excess.


  1. Not critiquing cuz i love you and allllll your vids, you're a pretty awesome kid πŸ€— but isn't that 7 pot or something cuz i do cook with scorpion pepper but the ones i buy have like a pointy tail to the tip and is rough in texture and not really "fleshy" πŸ™ˆ. One scorpion lasts me like 2 wks for cooking. So was wondering if it's like a related pepper or like what. Also i would use that pepper sauce with everything i can. Looks good

  2. Very nice recipe! Adding that Guyanese flare I see lol. I need to share mine soon. This definitely looks really hot and would be great with a simple plate of dhal, rice, and bhajee.

  3. I can do hot and spicy but obviously this would burn my insides LOL! That looks delicious by the way! I love growing hot peppers and grow something different every year. My favorite peppers are the chocolate varieties with the Chocolate Habanero being my favorite. Ill have to try this combo one day. πŸ™‚ I made some killer hot sauce a few years back and my family is still enjoying it. Of course, its no where close to this hotness! πŸ™‚

  4. Who doesn't love pepper sauce especially made with super hot peppers thanks for your video I subbed I'm waiting for my Peppers to produce my Trinidad moruga scorpions original Trinidad scorpion Trinidad bean Peppers

  5. This will take care of the parasites people have and will get your lymphatic system start to drain all the sludge out your system.

  6. Going to use this recipe, thanks. Usually when I ferment the peppers before making the sauce it takes a lot of the heat away as well, maybe i'll ferment these peppers in water and salt then use your recipe and put in sun for the few days, I feel like i'd get just the right flavor… I'm growing scorpions, reapers, ghost, red savinas, and chocolate habaneros in the backyard, I live in Socal so the peppers are growing lovely, thanks again!

  7. Might try this recipe if my trinidad scorpion pepper plant can produce enough peppers

  8. Just made my first batch! Can I just put it in the window inside the house? I live in Texas and it’s in the high 90’s right now.

  9. πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’‹

  10. If you live in the Houston area and you are interested:
    I do have a Trinidad Scorpio Pepper plant which is currently bearing around 12 peppers FOR SALE. This pepper is JUST TOO HOT for me (unfortunately I am not Trini… πŸ™‚

  11. Awesome video! Im sitting here eating chips and some homemade Trinidad Scopion pepper salsa, and sweating profusely !!! Wow 🌢🌢🌢

  12. Hi, I know this post is older but I just came across your video. I have a Trinidad Scorpion Pepper plant but don’t have enough peppers for this sauce. Could I cut the recipe in half and use other peppers like jalapeΓ±o, habanero, ghost or Carolina Reapers?

  13. Oh my! A friend is sending me Trinidad seeds to try and grow on my own. I’m a first time grower. After watching this, I’m a little skeptical about putting anything in my body that burns metal!

  14. Been using this video to make my pepper sauce every summer since I've seen it. Thank you for sharing. πŸ™‚

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